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"Purposeful" Versus "Mindless" Use of Technology in the Classroom

Educational technologies can be immensely beneficial for the learning of students if implemented into lessons effectively by teachers. Smart boards can provide a differentiated learning experience for students, allowing for audio, visual and hands-on learning. Mobile devices and laptops allow students immediate access to the infinite database of resources and information that is the internet. Social media and crowdfunding campaigns allow students to achieve things never before possible such as starting their own business. There are countless positive uses of technology in the classroom that can enhance the learning outcomes of students. Nevertheless, it is imperative that technology is used purposefully in education. This means that the use of technology must have an impact on student learning, providing some form of added value or enrichment. Teachers must beware of incorporating technology mindlessly, simply because of the gimmick appeal. This entails careful planning in regards to when and how to integrate technology into instructional strategies on behalf of educators. Moreover, we as teachers must ensure that we look at emerging pedagogies and educational technologies from a critical lens. It is important to note that corporations and money drive our society, and we must not adopt and utilize educational technologies without careful consideration and critical analysis of the technological tool at hand.

It is also important to ensure that classroom management mechanisms are employed properly in order to prevent students from taking advantage of the use of technology. For example, if we allow our students to use a mobile device for research, how do we prevent them from playing games or texting friends instead? If we allow the use of social media to promote a school-based initiative, how do we ensure the students are only using it for educational purposes? In some instances, a teacher may have to sacrifice the use or allowance of some techonologies if the students are not mature or trustworthy enough to remain on-task.

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